
ICT-MKM-2021 Report

Message From President

I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all the presenters and attendees of the first MKM Global International workshop. On August 30, 2021, MKM Global LLC, in collaboration with CYBR International, brought a team of consultants, researchers, innovators, and educators to provide an intensive and practical training and learning experience covering state-of-the-art concepts.  Thanks to our team of impressive presenters, the conference was a grand success!

Presentations covered a wide range of topics of emerging challenges facing the top leaders and managers in the following areas: (1) information technology and security; (2) human and technical resources:  and (3) principles of adaptability and sustainability.

Participants had ample opportunities for discussion with the trainers and fellow leaders, proving how essential these workshops are to business, government, and non-profit entities seeking to incorporate lessons learned. 

As an advocate of life-long learning and education, my mission is to develop practical workshops that actively engage participants and provide opportunities to learn from experts and one another.  It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge how well we succeeded, and our first workshop exceeded my expectations!! 

Stay Safe and Healthy,

Dr. Moe K Moussavi


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