
Cyber security

Cyber Security - Threats to the General Public

  • Utilities: Oil/gas, electrical grid, water
  • The Supply Chain
  • Financial sector
  • Federal
  • Nuclear, DHS, DoD, Civilian Agencies (FAA, DoE, Treasury, etc.)


Cyber Security Enterprise Solutions

  • Detailed analysis of enterprise tools
  • Best of breed supply chain and vendors
  • Availability
  • Export considerations

Cyber Security and the Blockchain

  • Protecting the future of funds
  • Nation state manipulation
  • Scams
  • Threats
  • Vulnerabilities

Hacking in the 21st Century

  • Ethical Hacking
  • The “Real” Hackers
  • Nation State Sponsored
  • “Rogue Warriors”

The Future of Cyber (Part 1)

  • Drones
  • Virtual Reality
  • Robotics

The Future of Cyber (Part 2)

  • Will we dream of electric sheep?
  • Sex, Love and Androids

The Cyber Month in Review (Current Events)

  • The good
  • The bad
  • The ugly

The Cyber State of the Union

  • Straight shooting
  • What to expect this decade
  • Best and worst case scenarios

Note: Panels (4) total and (2) per day shall be interjected into the above sessions.

Cyber Security Area

MKM Global recognizes the Cyber Security landscape is constantly evolving. The current practice of risk avoidance is outdated. Organizations need to be well versed in risk management frameworks and accept that inevitably, a security breach will occur. It is not a question of “if” but “when”. The key to minimizing security incidents is to be informed and prepared.

International, government and commercial entities require a holistic plan, which includes people, policy, procedures and processes (the four p’s) that incorporates pro-active, active and reactive methodologies, mechanisms, and metrics (the three m’s). Utilizing the “four p’s, three m’s” concept, MKM Global is able to incorporate a lifecycle approach that is proven and repeatable (methodologies); integrate devices and infrastructure after performing a thorough analysis and engineering review (mechanisms); and compile measurements into detailed deployment, status and performance review to ensure requirement and solution success (metrics).

Areas of focus: Compliance, Policy/Procedures, Certification and Accreditation (C&A), Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing, Mitigation/Remediation, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), Software as a Service (SAAS), Blockchain, Disaster Recovery, Training, Data Encryption, Safeguard Implementation, Programming, 365/24/7 Support, Architecture, Cloud, Network, Helpdesk, Maintenance and Support, Physical Security, Quantum Computing, Smart contracts, Fuzzy Logic.

MKM Global offers global cyber security training and certification programs. The company currently offers onsite and web based Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) courses and curriculum. Cyber security workshops are also available and are customized and tailored to the organization’s unique requirements and needs.

Professor: Shawn R. Key

MKM Global’s Cyber Security Program is led by Shawn R. Key, a renowned expert in the field of cyber security. blockchain and cryptocurrency. Mr. Key has founded several multi-million dollar cyber security companies, has designed cyber security courses for various nation states and is often featured in international magazines. He currently is the CEO, President of CYBR (cybrtoken,io) a cyber security solutions company focused on securing the blockchain and associated exchanges and wallets. He has provided consultation to global news networks such as CNN and other international media outlets. Mr. Key conducts analysis and provides recommendations to Middle East and North American based financial institutions, intelligence organizations nuclear regulatory sites, defense departments and civilian type agencies. He also holds a patent for the BlindSpot cyber security product, a specialized threat assessment and protection (STAP) enterprise solution. Mr. Key has been the recipient of numerous grants, awards and letters of commendation for his pioneering work in cyber security, specializing in ethical hacking. Currently a television show about Mr. Key’s work with National Securirty and Law Enforcement agencies is being considered by various networks.

Links to some of Mr. Key's materials can be found below:

► download PDF 

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